Rainna Yarborough

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Artist of the Month: Brittney Spencer

October Artist of the Month, Brittney Spencer, is crafting her own unique place in the predominantly white and historically conservative world of country music. Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, her early experiences in gospel music and church choirs laid the foundation for her soul-stirring, emotive performances. Who is Brittney Spencer? And how did she get on so many country music mega stars’ radar? 

Featured Image by BeLiftLab

Artist of the Month: Enhypen

With October well on its way, the change of seasons can trigger the infamous phrase—out with the old, in with the new. While we don’t need to get rid of anything old, there is always room for the new, especially in discovering new music and sounds. As their world tour Manifesto is in full swing, there is no doubt that Enhypen brings a fresh new sound to those not entirely familiar with the genre of K-pop, which has been taking the world by storm in recent years. So, who are they?