Phil Akin

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‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’ is a truly ultimate game

'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' is a miracle game that will only happen once  every 100 years. Despite a few hiccups here and there, the game manages  to far outdo the hype it’s generated since its announcement. The  insanely huge roster allows for all sorts of unique match ups. Couple  the roster with the World of Light and you’ve got a game that’s easily  worth more than the standard $60. 


How It's Played S2E4: Game Leaks for the People

Welcome back to this week's episode of How It's Played. On this episode we are discussing leaks in the gaming world and all that surrounds them. As a consumer, you look forward to leaks so you know what to expect, but as a creator, it can be devastating. How are these leaks happening? Do they help or hurt or the game/company? What do they mean for you? All of this and more on this week's episode of How It's Played.


‘The Meg’ is a Meg-cellent movie

'The Meg' is one of the more flat out fun movies of this summer, even if  it’s also incredibly scary at times. It manages to strike an excellent  balance and plays into its clichés very well. While this film may lack  depth, it’s stellar cast and generally good acting makes up for the lack  of originality that pierces the film. 


E3 2018 recap and reflection: Bethesda Softworks

Bethesda’s theme at E3 this year was “create”. They wanted to create something unique and new that nobody was expecting them to do. And while some things like Rage 2 had been leaked beforehand, there were still plenty of huge surprises Bethesda had yet to show off. I, for one, can’t wait to play Skyrim on my Etch a Sketch. 


“Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze” for Nintendo Switch is funky but not in a good way

Tropical Freeze for the Nintendo Switch is a hard game to recommend. As  far as platformers go, it’s very challenging and often frustrating.  Tropical Freeze was released at a full $60, and that’s enough to not  recommend this game, considering it’s a port with only one new mode.  Tropical Freeze has its moments, but in the end those moments aren’t  enough to justify the countless lives you’ll lose while playing through  this game. If you’re a hardcore platformer or Donkey Kong fan, you’ll  love this game. Otherwise, you can pass on Tropical Freeze for the  Nintendo Switch. 


“Avengers Infinity War”: AKA ‘Thanos: The Movie’

This is movie is for everyone who has followed the MCU. However, it’s  possible to enjoy the film without seeing every single Marvel film. The  important movies to see are Thor: Ragnarok, Doctor Strange, Captain  America: Civil War, and Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2. While this may  seem like a massive cliffhanger, the story is actually complete from  Thanos’ perspective. Despite all of its flaws, the movie ultimately  succeeds and does the unthinkable; killing Spider-Man. 


‘The Walking Dead’ Season 8, Episode 15: “Worth”

 “Worth” was definitely worth watching, which is surprising to say.  Several plot points that had been left open for several episodes were  all wrapped up in a nice little bow this week. Despite that, it’s  evident that the writers were in a rush to clear up attention for the  season finale. Go ahead and watch this one. 


‘A Quiet Place’ silently disturbs viewers

 If you like small, self-contained movies, then 'A Quiet Place' is the  perfect film for you. The movie shines with its use of sound, and how  unsettling it can be. If you can look past underdeveloped relationships  and lack of context, this movie will thrill you and keep you in  suspense. It’s a nice break from some other dialogue heavy movies out  there.