Madeline Boldery



Muncie Community Schools takeover

Two years ago, Muncie Community Schools was on the brink of financial collapse. In 2018, Muncie Community Schools received a D grade from the Indiana Department of Education. and was placed under an emergency order from the state when Ball State University and a handful of legislators crafted a controversial plan to step in, setting the stage for a new kind of public school system.


Not just a store, a livelihood

America’s malls have taken a hit within the past fear years with the rise in online sales. Muncie Mall is no exception. Stores have been closing with only one anchor store surviving within the mall’s walls. It’s always the mall that is talked about but never the employees who work upwards to 50 hours a week in order to make a living. Without them, there would be no mall or stores. There would be no product to touch and see to determine if that is the right color or material you want to wear.