VIDEO: Ball State's acting president speaks
By Mackenzie Klahr / January 27, 2016Terry King, Ball State's acting president speaks two days after Paul Ferguson stepped down
Terry King, Ball State's acting president speaks two days after Paul Ferguson stepped down
A former Federal Communications Commission attorney said for now, the university's plan to potentially sell all or part of its rights to broadcast TV signals is probably the right decision, but is still a loss for the department.
Employee relations at Ball State's Career Center has spent the past year preparing for the Fall 2015 Job Fair.
Muncie Gras 2015 took place on Saturday, March 29. In an effort to attract more Ball State students, this is the latest the event has ever been held.
The 14th annual Muncie Gras celebration is expected to attract 8,000 people and will showcase five new attractions.
The David Owsley Art Museum and the Ball State counseling center have teamed up to create an outlet that can relieve stress and create inner peace.
The last 15 Februarys have had increasingly lower temperatures, but even the bitter cold this season has not been record-breaking.
Cyber criminals are targeting Delaware County and telling consumers they need to update their software so they can access people's personal information.
Reporter Mackenzie Klahr speaks with Muncie parking officer, Teresa Brown, on the new parking meters on several Ball State Campus locations.
A debate was held at Ball State discussing the social app, Yik Yak. Reporter Mackenzie Klahr discovers how the campus feels about its presence.