Liz Rieth

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Andrew Bird and Jimbo Mathus’ album ‘These 13’ is all heart at its core

 For folk lovers everything, 'These 13' speaks to the art. Bird’s exploratory pop mixes with Mathus’ traditional gospel to create an album that takes you on a journey. Though the makeup of the sound is simple — just a fiddle, guitar, and two voices — it is riveting. It’s a worthwhile listen on all fronts, production, lyrics, and especially in originality.

In this March 2020 photo, Liz Rieth, junior journalism and Spanish major, looks out at the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain. Rieth returned home to Indiana from her study abroad program in Granada in early March. Liz Rieth, Photo Provided

Sincerely, Liz: Adiós España

I wasn’t ready to go. I stood looking at a fiery sunset as it descended behind the Spanish Sierra Nevada mountains. In front of the mountains, hundreds of colorful panderías, apartments and plazas dotted Granada. My heart felt heavy as I took in the view. That night, I said my final goodbye to this Spanish scene.

Ball State is now offering a special parking pass that allows expectant mothers to park at six designated spots throughout campus. This is one of the few accomplishments made by the Student Government Association the past five years. Brooke Kemp, DN 

How has SGA impacted campus?

After nearly two weeks of campaigning by three 2019 Student Government Association (SGA) Election slates, campus finally enters the voting period of the annual election.

A sign that says "We are closed. Thank you for the journey," is pasted on the window of what used to be Muncie's Two Cats Cafe. Two Cats closed their doors Dec. 13, 2018, after owner Basam Helwani accepted an offer with Pocket Points. Mallory Huxford, DN

Turnover 'common' in the Village

The original Scotty’s Brewhouse served Muncie for 20 years — it was the starting place of the restaurant chain. But, this winter, the original Scotty’s Brewhouse closed. 

A recycling bin with a blue bag sits on the third floor of the Bracken Library, Nov. 13, 2018. Muncie's blue bag system celebrates twenty and is used by organizations and individuals to recycle items. Maggie Getzin, DN

Muncie’s blue bag system celebrates 20 years

Muncie’s Jack’s Camera Shop uses plastic bottles every day. Its photo lab requires bottles full of the necessary chemicals to develop pictures. Besides that, the shop generates metal and paper waste with its products.