Joey Sills

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Rylan Capper, DN Photo; Kamryn Tomlinson, DN Design

Torching Media Mistrust

OPINION: This is a world that is skeptical of journalists, both student and professional. We sometimes present a truth others don’t want to hear, and we’ve been punished for it. 

Warren Gavin dresses in personal protective equipment before entering a patient’s room Feb. 8 at Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. Gavin said about 70 percent of the patients he treats are unvaccinated.  Rylan Capper, DN

'Truly Overwhelmed'

It was Thanksgiving 2020, and Kari Malloy was working as a charge nurse at Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital when she first noticed a tickling feeling in her throat.

Luke Hinesley, Sam Schlatter, Andrew Haines and Amelia Brewers, members of the Ball State Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA), talk after the organization's town hall meeting Oct. 28. YDSA is calling for the university to raise the minimum wage for on-campus undergraduate student employees to at least $9 an hour. Eli Houser, DN

Ball State students call for an on-campus minimum wage raise

Jake Seymore, junior telecommunications major, is one of many Ball State students who has an on-campus job. Working for University Media Services (UMS) as an equipment check-out assistant, Seymore makes $7.25 an hour — the current federal minimum wage. Living in off-campus housing, affording rent, tuition and other bills have turned into daily worries for him.

Ball State alumnus Qais Faqiri gives a lecture titled "Centralization of Power and the Collapse of Afghanistan" Oct. 20. Faqiri escaped Afghanistan on a U.S. military evacuation flight Aug. 23. Joey Sills, DN

Ball State alumnus discusses history and politics of Afghanistan

Students gathered in the Burkhardt Building Oct. 20 to attend a lecture by 2014 Ball State alumnus Qais Faqiri. The lecture, titled “Centralization of Power and the Collapse of Afghanistan,” was hosted by the Global Studies Association (GSA) and focused on the history of Afghanistan leading up to the evacuation of U.S. troops Aug. 30, as well as Faqiri’s own flight from the country Aug. 23.

The "Securing the Vote: Women's Suffrage in Indiana" exhibit from the Indiana Historical Society provides a statewide view of the women's suffrage movement. It is one of two exhibits the Delaware County Historical Society is holding through Sept. 29 focusing on local figures influential to the U.S. women's suffrage movement. Joey Sills, DN

Delaware County Historical Society honors local suffragists in new exhibit

The word that comes to mind when Karen Vincent, board president of the Delaware County Historical Society, thinks of feminism is “recognition.” She said she wants to recognize the women involved in the decades-long U.S. suffrage movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries through the Historical Society’s current exhibit, “The Suffragists of Delaware County.”

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