Grace McCormick

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Andrew Gustin, owner of Ameliorate Records and curator of "Two Minutes in Indiana" poses with his guitar Jan. 17, 2022. Gustin played his own track called "Willow Tree" on the album alongside individual compositions from 19 other Indiana musicians. Laura Hergenroether, Photo Provided

Music artists share original compositions on living in Indiana

Eric Salazar knew after a high school jazz band bass clarinet solo what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. After his Brownsburg High School band director Joe Vrabec credited him as the reason the band won a judge’s choice award from a 2007 Purdue University jazz competition, he said he wanted to become a music performer to “help people feel their feelings and help people through music.”

The Madjax sign sits on the corner of South Madison and East Jackson streets. Madjax Maker Force was originally called Gearbox Muncie: A Maker Hub, but the name changed in 2016 to better reflect the mission of the space. Rylan Capper, DN

Muncie’s Maker Force

A former 80,000-square-foot laundry facility in Muncie holds limitless possibilities.  Boombox music fills the second floor while artists move tables to set up for First Thursday, a monthly event to draw people to explore art and culture downtown. A woodworker helps children build birdhouses while Steven Knipp colors hair in his salon a few doors down. Adjacent businesses invite people in for gift shopping or ax throwing.

Rylan Capper, DN

Choosing Gratitude

The pandemic has unfortunately become so ingrained into everyone’s experiences that I think a lot of us would rather not think about how life could have gone without it.

Cast and crew members of “Skin and Bones” prepare for a rehearsal April 4 in Strother Theatre. “Skin and Bones,” a musical written by two Ball State alumni, opens April 8. Rylan Capper, DN

Theatre and Dance faculty, students share reactions to Village performing arts center announcement

Jennifer Blackmer, professor of theatre and playwriting, said plans for the performing arts center were announced to faculty in the Department of Theatre and Dance a few days before the Board of Trustees meeting. She said she knew the announcement would be important because a department-wide email asked faculty to cancel or pause classes held during that time.

Kamryn Tomlinson DN Design; Grace Duerksen and Amber Pietz, DN Photo

Emotion loading …

I learned from the character Lloyd Braun in season 9, episode 3 of “Seinfeld,” dismissing your emotions leads to bottling up anger or resentment, and “eventually you blow … serenity now, insanity later.”

Before becoming a Ball State trustee in January 2021, Julie Griffith worked for a variety of companies and institutions. She knew current Board of Trustees chair, Renae Conley, and secretary, Mike McDaniel, through other professional work. Ball State Marketing and Communications, Photo Provided

Julie Griffith shares her Indiana roots and goals as a Ball State trustee

Julie Griffith, the most recent member to join Ball State’s Board of Trustees after her appointment by Gov. Eric Holcomb, likes to tell people she “was raised on the sunny side of the Ohio River in Indiana.” Griffith currently serves as the executive vice president for strategy, partnerships and outreach for the Indiana Innovation Institute. A1979 Ball State political science alumna, she is a member of the Ball State Foundation board and the Dean’s Advisory Council for the College of Sciences and Humanities.