Ball State female athletics faculty members who helped implement Title IX
By Ella Howell / 5 days agoDebbie Powers and Andrea Seger both worked at Ball State when Title IX was passed and advocated for women in sports.
Debbie Powers and Andrea Seger both worked at Ball State when Title IX was passed and advocated for women in sports.
Nearly six years since Hurley C. Goodall Jr.’s statue was unveiled in Firemen’s Park, those involved and close to Hurley reflect on his legacy.
Authentic Filipino restaurant in Muncie is enjoyed by locals and has attracted people from surrounding states.
Falling .175 to Central Michigan’s 195.750 score with 195.575, Ball State gymnastics looks to improve on the little things
The Cardinals came in first in the Jan. 24 meet against the team that beat them for first place in the 2024 MAC Championship, Western Michigan University.
Winning their second meet of the season, Ball State Gymnastics reflects on the Taylor Swift themed meet.
With six new faces on the team, the Cardinals have emphasized leadership and development in addition to their time in the gym.
Ball State professors who've been here ranging from two to 20 years have a bittersweet perspective on graduation.
Than Win searches for a donor for his autoimmune disease resulting in kidney failure and dialysis.
The Ball State Student Health Center partners with the Wayne County Health Department to provide free STI testing to students.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” propped against a stack of books on Sept.29 in Bracken Library. The book is commonly found in public-school curriculum and was on the American Library Association’s top 10 most challenged books for 2020. Ella Howell, DN
"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" written by Sherman Alexie leaning against a stack of other banned books on Sept.29 in Bracken Library. The book is a first-person perspective on life on a Spokane Indian Reservation. Ella Howell, DN
Books that are popularly known for being banned stacked on Sept.29 in Bracken Library. "Eleanor Park,” "Gender Queer: A Memoir" and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,”are not pictured, as they were checked out or not owned by the library. Ella Howell, DN
"Looking for Alaska" by John Green posed on Sept. 29 on the second floor of Bracken Library. The book has been contested for LGBTQ content and claims that it's "sexually explicit." Ella Howell, DN