Elaine Ulsh

Email Elaine Ulsh


Amber Pietz, DN Design

Behind The Veil: How We Manage Invisible Illnesses

Even when the suffering isn’t always outwardly visible, there’s still the weighty baggage of pain that is oftentimes shouldered by those with invisible conditions. It’s important we keep an open mind so the people who are already feeling alone don’t become more isolated.


Meal Prep is a Game Changer

I don’t want to be stressing out about when I can fit cooking into my already hectic schedule. I recognize food is a necessity, so I must consume at least something, but I don’t want to be constantly thinking about it. Meal prepping has been a lifesaver in that regard.

Jacy Bradley, DN Photo; Meghan Holt, DN Illustration

What Am I Apologizing For?

I have apologized for many things. Things I had absolutely nothing to do with. And if I had a nickel for every time? I’d absolutely be rich. There is a tendency to apologize for things that we have no control over. And I want it to end, or at least for the narrative to change. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of others.

Josie Santiago, DN Illustration

Establishing Boundaries with Academia

I have witnessed firsthand how academic validation can cause students anxiety and unneeded stress. Many of my closest friends in high school felt the need for academic validation that I do. Those same friends often were so focused on getting the perfect grades that they didn’t have a life outside of the classroom.

First-year computer science and physics major Elaine Ulsh poses in the photojournalism studio in the Art and Journalism building on campus Jan. 18. Jacy Bradley, DN

Living in a Frenzy: Addressing My Experience with OCD

Society needs to stop treating mental illness like a personality trait or a lifestyle. It can be crippling. OCD can be crippling. People are obsessed with the idea that having a mental illness such as OCD makes you different, and that it makes you stand out. But once you have it, all you really want is to fit in.


Dear Mare...; Dear Susan...

Mare Castner of Muncie, Indiana and Susan Smith of Wales have been friends for 47 years. Their only interaction for 25 years was exchanging letters, but even across thousands of miles, they have supported each other through thick and thin.