Derrek Tipton


Ball State students play a round of Ultimate Frisbee. Tim Perkey, president of Ball State

Ultimate Frisbee club continues to gain interest

Tim Perkey traded in his shoulder pads for a Frisbee when he came to Ball State last year.Perkey, a sophomore business administration major and president of Ball State’s Ultimate Frisbee club, is part of an increasing number of college students who are joining the “Ultimate” ranks.USA Ultimate, the governing body of the sport in the U.S., has seen its college membership rise in the past decade from 9,951 members in 2004 to 16,885 in 2013.

Jake Griffin, a sophomore telecommunications major, created Active Minds after his brother Shawn Griffin was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Jake created the club after realizing Ball State did not have a student organization focusing on mental awareness. PHOTO PROVIDED BY JAKE GRIFFIN

New mental health awareness group formed

When Jake Griffin’s brother was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, he felt a wave of relief.This relief didn’t come from his brother having a mental illness, but from the diagnosis that explained some of his brother’s bizarre behavior.

A student sets up a North American Wiccan spring sage blessing. The ritual is a celebration bringing in the new season after winter. DN PHOTO TAYLOR IRBY

Blooming religion

While many can fulfill their spiritual needs in a row of pews on Sunday morning, Jackson Eflin can just take a step outside to find his church: nature.Eflin, a senior creative writing major, is the president of Ball State’s Society for Earth-based Religions.


Weekend bar crawl

Need a few cold drinks to make it through the end of the semester? Check out this weekend’s drink specials in Muncie.Savage’s Ale House FRIDAY $1 off specialty and seasonal draft beers of Savage’s choice SATURDAY $1 off Upland, Guinness and Woodchuck pints SUNDAY $1 off Founders Brewery productsScotty’s Brewhouse FRIDAY $20 101-ounce Domestic table top taps $25 101-ounce Thr3e Wise Men table top taps SATURDAY $6 48-ounce Lime-A-Rita and Straw-Ber-Rita pitchers $20 101-ounce Domestic table top taps $25 101-ounce Thr3e Wise Men table top taps $6 Thr3e Wise Men bullet fills $10 Thr3e Wise Men growler fills SUNDAY $6 48-ounce Lime-A-Rita and Straw-Ber-Rita pitchers $2.50 Thr3e Wise Men pintsThe Locker Room FRIDAY $3 Whiskey U-Calls $6 Red Bull vodka pitchers $8 Captain pitchers $10 Redd’s buckets SATURDAY $2.50 Coronas $3 Long Island Iced Teas $3 Whiskey U-Calls $3.50 Vegas Bombs $10 Domestic buckets SUNDAY $1 Locker Room pints $2 Wells $5 Domestic pitcher $5 Premium mini pitcherWorkman’s Bar FRIDAY/SATURDAY $10 for five 12-ounce domestic beersDill Street Bar and Grill FRIDAY Penny pitchers SATURDAY Long Island Iced Teas and Well pitchers


Weekend bar crawl

Strapped for cash and looking to save a few bucks on booze? Check out this weekend’s drink specials in Muncie.The Heorot Pub and Draught House FRIDAY/SATURDAY No Specials.SUNDAY $2.75 Guinness pintsWorkman’s Bar FRIDAY/SATURDAY $10 for five 12-ounce domestic beersSUNDAY No specialsSavage’s Ale House FRIDAY $1 off specialty and seasonal draft beers of Savage’s choiceSATURDAY $1 off Guinness, Upland and Woodchuck pintsSUNDAY $1 off Founders Brewery productsDill Street Bar and GrillFRIDAY Penny pitchersSaturday Long Island Iced Teas and Well pitchersScotty’s Brewhouse FRIDAY $20 101-ounce Domestic table top taps $25 101-ounce Thr3e Wise Men table top tapsSATURDAY $6 48-ounce Lime-A-Rita and Straw-Ber-Rita pitchers $20 101-ounce Domestic Table Top Taps $25 101-ounce Thr3e Wise Men Table Top Taps $6 Thr3e Wise Men bullet fills $10 Thr3e Wise Men growler fillsSUNDAY $6 48-ounce Lime-A-Rita and Straw-Ber-Rita pitchers $2.50 Thr3e Wise Men pintsThe Locker Room FRIDAY $3 U-Calls $6 Red Bull Vodka pitchers $8 Captain pitchers $10 Redd’s bucketsSATURDAY $2.50 Coronas $3 Long Island Iced Teas $3 Whiskey U-Calls $3.50 Vegas Bombs $10 Domestic bucketsSUNDAY $1 Locker Room pints $2 Wells $5 Domestic pitcher $5 Premium Mini pitcher


Weekend bar crawl

Need a cold one to wind down from a busy week of school? Check out the drink specials happening this weekend in Muncie. The Heorot SUNDAY $2.75 Guinness pints Savage’s Ale House FRIDAY $1 off select rotational beers SATURDAY $1 off Upland drafts SUNDAY $1 off Founders Brewery products Dill Street Bar and Grill FRIDAY Penny pitchers Saturday Long Island Iced Teas and Well pitchers Scotty’s Brewhouse FRIDAY $20 101-ounce Domestic table top taps $25 101-ounce Thr3e Wise Men table top taps SATURDAY $6 48-ounce Lime-A-Rita and Straw-Ber-Rita pitchers $20 101-ounce Domestic table top taps $25 101-ounce Thr3e Wise Men table top taps $6 Thr3e Wise Men bullet fills $10 Thr3e Wise Men growler fills SUNDAY $6 48-ounce Lime-A-Rita and Straw-Ber-Rita pitchers $2.50 Thr3e Wise Men pints The Locker Room FRIDAY $3 U-Calls $6 Red Bull Vodka pitchers $8 Captain pitchers $10 Redd’s buckets SATURDAY $2.50 Coronas $3 Long Island Iced Teas $3 Whiskey U-calls $3.50 Vegas Bombs $10 Domestic buckets SUNDAY $1 Locker Room pints $2 wells $5 Domestic pitcher $5 Premium mini pitcher