Davis Winn



Stuck in quarantine, some students take the time to better themselves

COVID-19 continues along, turning a majority of the country into one giant ghost town. The outside may look desolate. For Ball State students who simply cannot return back home, more is happening inside. With more time at home and the freedom to do coursework at any time they please, many people are taking this extra time to either try something new, better themselves, or for Ball State freshman Kaleb Wood, enjoy his hobbies. 


International students reflect on their transition back to home life

Studying abroad is popularly called one of the most life changing things for college kids, however this year, for many international students in America, their program abroad was unfortunately cut short due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Davis Winn reports on how some students are adapting back in their home countries


Muncie nutrition store helps customers continue with their New Year’s resolutions

One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is to start dieting, working out, or a combination of both. The failure rate for resolutions is an astounding 80% by Mid February. Muncie’s 5 Star Nutrition works with it’s customers to create plans and set goals for their customers to shoot for and maintain their resolutions. General Manager Tyler Bennett explains how he works with his customers to create a personal experience more like a head coach. 

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