Algerina Perna


Towson high school student Amara Majeed has provided commentary for CNN on issues affecting the Muslim community. She founded The Hijab Project, which is meant to foster social awareness of prejudice in the United States against girls and women who wear head-scarves. She also wrote a book of biographies on Muslims to help dispel disparaging opinions that people have of Muslims. (Algerina Perna/Baltimore Sun/TNS)


Towson high school student Amara Majeed has provided commentary for CNN on issues affecting the Muslim community. She founded The Hijab Project, which is meant to foster social awareness of prejudice in the United States against girls and women who wear head-scarves. She also wrote a book of biographies on Muslims to help dispel disparaging opinions that people have of Muslims. (Algerina Perna/Baltimore Sun/TNS)

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