AJ Brammer


Cameron Griggs, Dining Services

Ball State chef receives regional cooking competition award

A Ball State chef received an award Wednesday for his performance in a regional cooking competition last month. Chef Cameron Griggs won the bronze medal in the 2014 Midwest Region Culinary Challenge. The event, which was March 3 at Michigan State, featured nine chefs from colleges around the Midwest.

Students walk down the sidewalk on McKinley Avenue on Feb. 5. Classes were canceled until noon on Feb. 5 because of the winter storm. DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY

Advanced notice prevents snow-related problems

The advanced notice of Tuesday night’s snow gave the university and the hospital enough time to plan ahead and prevent a shutdown of services. Tony Proudfoot, a university spokesperson, said the university was monitoring the weather Tuesday night. “We knew we wouldn’t be able to get campus cleared until around 10 or 11,” Proudfoot said.

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