Adam Baumgartner


	For the next two days students will vote to decide the next four students to represent the student body.

Investigation clears Cardinal Connection of campaign wrongdoing

A student government investigation into a campaign wrongdoing has cleared Cardinal Connection, a Student Government Association official said Monday. The primary allegations under investigation stated Alyssa France, current SGA vice president, had leaked questions to the Cardinal Connection slate ahead of the debates. The elections board found no evidence of France or Cardinal Connection committing any violations, said Alex Sventeckis, elections board chairman. Sventeckis acknowledged the difficulty of finding evidence during the investigation that lasted about two weeks. “We’re looking at it like a puzzle,” he said hours prior to the announcement.


	The National Weather Service predicted wind chills of -37 degrees Jan. 7. Here’s how far people could walk near campus before potentially getting frostbite.

Risk of frostbite

The National Weather Service predicted wind chills of -37 degrees Jan. 7. Here’s how far people could walk near campus before potentially getting frostbite.

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