‘Ready Player One’ is a nice-looking, but empty, brainless, and embarrassing movie

'Ready Player One' is a movie that has redeeming qualities. It visually looks amazing, and the performances put in are all incredibly solid. Its story is bland and inoffensive. The major problems lie in cringy writing, a really embarrassing romance subplot, and sound design that fails to match its stellar visuals. And of course, it’s loaded with pop culture references that may be good for some, but made the movie just unbearable to watch. It reminds of me something… but I can’t come up with a reference that fits this movie.


Frankie Cosmos continue to fulfill their potential on ‘Vessel’

The only alarming thing to come out of 'Vessel' is the realization of just what the band could do next within their genre. Instrumentally, the record is an indie pop masterpiece, a gorgeous fusion of sonic innovation and contextual efficiency. As one of the most personality-driven acts around, Frankie Cosmos had a tall order replicating the mood and temperament of past releases. Fortunately they evolved yet again, throwing more complex, but still realistic subjects onto the audience. Finally, the emerging talent of Bailey, Martin, and Pyenson takes center stage, an emergence that simply states that future Frankie Cosmos conquests may further employ the capabilities of these underrated musicians.

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