When and where to get a COVID-19 test

Before returning to campus for the spring 2021 semester, Ball State University students must provide a COVID-19 test result obtained within a week of moving back to campus. The portal to submit test results opened Jan. 8, 2021 and was shared with students via email.


Kingdom Hearts Games Ranked (Console Releases)

Kingdom Hearts’ combat system, Disney references, and the overall plot remain unparalleled as one of the finest family-friendly titles and a title everyone should experience at least once in their life. As the series continued, it had its dips and rises but remained unyielding in its replay-ability. These are the titles that performed and underperformed.


Why Stephen King is the Greatest Living Author

Even if you’ve never picked up a book from one of the greatest writers ever, aka Stephen King, chances are you’ve either heard or seen one of the many films inspired by his work. Probably the most recognizable author living today, King has written 63 novels, 120 short stories, 20 novellas, and five non-fiction books. Movies and shows still are being made, with many more in the works, but what makes King’s work memorable and always on the radar of filmmakers? What about his work continues to draw in audiences? There are countless reasons, but here are a few major standouts. 


Socially-Distanced Holiday Activities to do this Winter

As we end this COVID-stricken year, many of us are still quarantining in our homes or are following social-distancing regulations and having to find safe alternatives to celebrate the holiday season. It has been especially difficult getting in the holiday spirit with the unusually warm weather, but listed below are some ways you can still feel festive while following CDC COVID-19 Guidelines


16 Years of Magic with ‘The Polar Express’

With the struggle to find Santa’s existence, the movie’s score, and an ending that continues to leave me in awe, The Polar Express continues to be the best Christmas movie for all ages. It is unrivaled by both live-action and animation Christmas movies alike.

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