How It's Played S2E4: Game Leaks for the People

Welcome back to this week's episode of How It's Played. On this episode we are discussing leaks in the gaming world and all that surrounds them. As a consumer, you look forward to leaks so you know what to expect, but as a creator, it can be devastating. How are these leaks happening? Do they help or hurt or the game/company? What do they mean for you? All of this and more on this week's episode of How It's Played.


How It's Played S2E3- Razer Phones Take Mobile Gaming to a Whole New Level

In this week's episode of How It's Played, we are discussing Razer's new phone and all of its fun specs. With phones like this coming to the market, what does this mean for mobile gaming? Could the phone market start to realize the potential for higher technology in phones for the casual gamer? All of this and more on this week's episode of How It's Played.


Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference 2018 recap

Last year’s 2017 Worldwide Developers Conference was marked by the announcement of the Homepod as well as a new configuration of the 10.5 inch iPad, updates to the Macbook line and the all new iMac Pro. This year’s WWDC 2018 has taken a much more software-focused approach. 


Ball State students participate in 2018 AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon

Starting at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 20th and ending at 5 p.m. the next day, eight Ball State student competed in the annual AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon. The event had teams developing Internet of Things devices to improve certain professions. This year’s profession was first responders. 


Your phone is probably listening to you

Cell phones today are more powerful than ever and capable of listening in on anything said around them. The apps we use are owned by people who make the bulk of their money from advertisements. 


Standing up to Logan Paul: An interview with ‘Toyooka’ director Jeremy Rubier

While Logan Paul’s videos are so often associated with negativity, Rubier has channeled that negativity into positivity through Toyooka. The rise of vlogs has lowered viewer expectations and caused audiences to accept an environment where their media literacy is left unchallenged. Directors like Rubier who travel the world in hopes to capture beauty and meaning now face difficulty in combating these new lowered standards.

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