Mahogany Browne, poet and activist, looks to the audience as she reads a piece of work from her book in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center on Sept. 27. Students gathered to listen to Browne and ask questions afterwards, an opportunity that most people will not get. Kaci Alvarez, DN

Mahogany L. Browne uses poetry as activism

Mahogany L. Browne read her poems Wednesday in the Student Center until she reached one without a name. She then asked the audience to vote for a title, and the crowd became more animated, laughing and shouting for their favorite.


Over the Rainbow: Skin Deep - Police brutality has divided America

Think of the place where the walls are so thin you could hear the family upstairs argue every night. The place where you would lock your doors and roll up your windows. The place where cops stopped at every day, whether there was a reason or not. The place where the sun doesn’t seem to shine as bright as it does everywhere else. What do you call that place? 

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