Wet week ahead

The overnight holds a chance to see flurries throughout central Indiana. A wet week continues, with rain expected for the next several days, with the possibility for thunderstorms on Sunday. Clearing conditions return late Monday into Tuesday.


Lootboxes: Friend of the publisher, enemy of the consumer

For those who don’t know, the lootbox is a digital box with randomly selected items that can be used in the game. This can be as simple as a new voice line to a whole new character in some games and the value of what’s in the box can fluctuate wildly. It’s sort of like getting a box of chocolates. 


Inktober: Artists doodle daily toward improvement

“What pushed me to actually try and do Inktober this was just wanting a change in my drawing habits.” said animation student Alexis Brooks, and this has been echoed by many other artists online. Along with the fact that sometimes it’s hard to keep up with. Drawing every day isn’t as easy as it might look.

Sophomore architecture major Favian Ceruantes works on a class project in s studio on the 5th floor of the CAP building. Each CAP student has their own work space. Kaiti Sullivan, DN

College of Architecture and Planning students personalize workspaces

One student grabs hot tea from a microwave while another enjoys lunch from a mini fridge and another pulls out a blanket and pillow for a brief nap before getting back to work. No, this isn’t at a dorm room, rather the College of Architecture and Planning (CAP) building, which is “home” to many students as they spend the majority of their days and nights here. 

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