The Hunchback of Notre Dame review

Combining love, drama, and action, the Muncie Civic Center presented The Hunchback of Notre Dame from October 7-23. Directed by Brittany M. Covert, the play starred Kyle Thomas as Quasimodo, Cameron Clevenger as his voice, Michael Williamson as Frollo, and Elizabeth Belle as Esmeralda. With one of the main characters being hard of hearing, the play provided an ASL translation throughout the show as well as a singing voice for Quasimodo.

Senator Jackson Phenis presented a budget request for the Student Engagement Committee in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Cardinal Hall B Dec. 6. The budget request was for three prize baskets for a tabling event. Madelyn Bracken, DN

Ball State Student Government Association denies budget request, approves two new senators

Jack Correa presented with points on improving the hours for dining halls and the recreational facilities on campus as well as working to improve campus safety. Correa was approved on a vote of 29-0 with one abstention. Viktoriia Budiad had points dealing with diversity and inclusion, aiming to improve the general cultural knowledge of the Ball State University population. Budiad was approved on a vote of 29-0 and two abstentions.


A Q&A with Indianapolis Recorder’s Oseye Boyd

Oseye Boyd is editor of the Indianapolis Recorder, which was founded in 1895, and is one of the oldest African American publications in the country. She is a native of Muncie and a 1997 graduate of Ball State University. Oseye often returns to her hometown, where she still has family. She is a contributing member of the Audience Advisory Board for Inform Muncie. 


The face behind the counter

Tiara Hicks was on the hunt for a barista. She didn’t know she’d find him at her local Kohl’s. Conner Davis was the Kohl’s employee who helped Hicks with a return. She had heard of Davis before — her daughter also worked at Kohl’s with him, and his dad was a long time regular at her shop.


Time to fix broken sidewalks for everyone

We often take our ability to do things on our own for granted. For some of us, though, we’re constantly reminded of the barriers that keep us from being independent.


Trans-sensitivity training in place for EMS and MPD

Trans-sensitivity training and clinical competence in transgender care is an emphasis for Muncie’s frontline workers including police and fire departments and the emergency medical service workers.  

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