Ball State recently settled with pro-life student group Students for Life. The group said the policy regarding student organization activity fees was not applied on the same basis to all student organizations. Rebecca Slezak, DN

Student organization fees policy revised after lawsuit

A policy change that guides what student organizations are eligible to apply to receive in activity fees, is one result of a recently-settled lawsuit brought against the university by a pro-life student group.

ROTC cadets gather for a photo in front of Benny. The ROTC turned 40 this month, while Ball State celebrated its centennial year. Photo provided, Ball State University

ROTC celebrates 40 years on campus

If you’ve lived on campus, there’s a good chance you’ve heard a large group chanting as they go for a run early in the morning. That group is the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).


’Kin’ suffers from an identity crisis

 'Kin' is a movie that is aided by its strong performances, fantastic  score, and interesting visual aesthetic. However, its shortcomings of  tone and pacing issues, as well as wasted potential that comes with its  ending, drag it down. All in all, it’s a movie that’s best saved to  watch on Netflix on a lazy Saturday.  

One wall inside the National September 11 Memorial & Museum boasts a quote from Virgil’s “The Aeneid.” Though scholars have debated its use, the quote is commonly interpreted to remind visitors of the nearly 3,000 people who were killed as a result of the terrorist attacks on America, on Sept. 11, 2001. Lisa Renze-Rhodes, Photo Provided

As real as it was then: A recount of 9/11

Until 17 years ago — Sept. 11, 2001 — Duckham, Ball State’s chief of police and director of public safety, like many other officers working in New York at the time, went to work on a day that would turn out to be one many Americans will never be able to forget. 

Two students read on a bench along a circular drive near the Administration Building in 1963 in Muncie, IN. Photo provided, Michael Szajewski.

Colleagues create historical photo book for Ball State centennial

To celebrate Ball State’s centennial milestone, co-authors Bruce Geelhoed, Michael Szajewski and Brandon Pieczko collaborated on creating “Ball State University,” a photo book emphasizing the significance of students, faculty and Muncie community members with Ball State’s growth throughout its 100-year history. 

Animal activists hold signs at the Animal Rights March on Sept. 1, 2018 at Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis. The event is to raise awareness of the abuse animals go through for human benefit. Leslie Gartrell, DN

The Indiana Animal Rights Alliance

The Indiana Animal Rights Alliance (IARA) hosted its first annual Indiana Animal Rights March on Saturday, Sept. 1 at Monument Circle in Indianapolis. The march brought animal rights activists from all over the state and parts of the Midwest to raise awareness about various animal rights issues in Indiana, including animal testing and the consumption of animals for food.