This undated photo shows Melissa Mueller-Douglas and her 7-year-old daughter, Nurah, at their home in Rochester, N.Y. with some of the items they plan to use for a Mother’s Day sleepover. Isolation due to the coronavirus outbreak has led mothers and offspring to find creative ways to celebrate. (Yakub Shabazz via AP)

5 national stories of the week

Fears of disinformation amid the vote-by-mail debate, states with few COVID-19 cases receiving a big share of the coronavirus relief aid, the confirmation hearing or the president’s nominee for intelligence chief, summer camps being closed this year and mother’s day celebrations make up this week’s five national stories.

A volunteer is injected with either an experimental COVID-19 vaccine or a comparison shot April 25, 2020, as part of the first human trials in the U.K. to test a potential vaccine, led by Oxford University in England. About 100 research groups around the world are pursuing vaccines against the coronavirus, with nearly a dozen in early stages of human trials or poised to start. (University of Oxford via AP)

5 international stories of the week

Tests to find a vaccine to stop COVID-19, intelligence reports on China hiding the severity of the pandemic, Islamic State extremist attacks in Iraq and Syria, a failed raid in Venezuela and the postponement of the 2020 World Expo make up this week’s five international stories.


Muncie Community Schools takeover

Two years ago, Muncie Community Schools was on the brink of financial collapse. In 2018, Muncie Community Schools received a D grade from the Indiana Department of Education. and was placed under an emergency order from the state when Ball State University and a handful of legislators crafted a controversial plan to step in, setting the stage for a new kind of public school system.


Not just a store, a livelihood

America’s malls have taken a hit within the past fear years with the rise in online sales. Muncie Mall is no exception. Stores have been closing with only one anchor store surviving within the mall’s walls. It’s always the mall that is talked about but never the employees who work upwards to 50 hours a week in order to make a living. Without them, there would be no mall or stores. There would be no product to touch and see to determine if that is the right color or material you want to wear.


An update on the movie industry

The past few weeks have affected the movie industry in a variety of ways. Ever since stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders were put in place, theaters across the world have shut down indefinitely without any assurance of when they’ll reopen. With the closing of theaters, many films that were to be released in the months between March and July have either been assigned new release dates or pushed back indefinitely. Not only have movie studios and those who work on films been greatly affected, but theaters themselves have been taking major blows after being forced to shut down. With the quarantine put in place and no definite answer for when it will be lifted, the movie industry has had to learn how to roll with the punches and adapt to a new world.


Five best post-apocalyptic novels to read while in quarantine

Each day feels more like we’re living in a strange apocalyptic movie. Everything in life is canceled and grocery stores are completely out of paper products. In the midst of these strange times, many of us have endless downtime to catch up on movies and TV shows we’ve been wanting to watch. Another great opportunity to keep ourselves occupied while we’re all sitting at home keeping our distance from one another is the chance to catch up on some books we’ve been intending to read. 

Mike Stetzel, back middle, poses with his family at his cousin's wedding Oct. 9, 2018. This photo was taken after Stetzel had already had his new kidney for almost 3 years. Mike Stetzel, Photo Provided.

On the waiting list

A ten-minute phone call saved Mike Stetzel’s life. On the other end, Stetzel’s donor coordinator told him he’d receive the kidney he’d been waiting on for four years to cure his polycystic kidney disease. 

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