In Reflection: The final lap

The winter has always made me feel nostalgic. Waking up to cold air makes me feel like a 16-year-old boy, scrambling to get my jammers and goggles for swim practice, slamming back coffee and sprinting out the door. Now, with the end of the fall 2020 semester so close and that fabled finish line in sight, I’ll have more to remember waking up in the winter.


Rainy weekend ahead

Assistant Chief Weather Forecaster Maddi Johnson has the final forecast of the Fall 2020 semester, which features widespread rain chances for this weekend.


The first annual Foster Youth Toy Drive hits Muncie

Matthew Peiffer and his two sisters spent many years in the foster care system. They were all victims of abuse and faced many other challenges during their time. Now, Peiffer wants to give back to the foster children this Christmas with the first annual Foster Youth Toy Drive.


Unspoken: Time's Arrow

My freshman year, this column was titled “Demi’s Diems.” I tried to play on the saying “Carpe Diem” or “Seize the day,” therefore making my column name “Demi’s Days.” It was an easy decision when I found out I could change my column title sophomore year — I mean, come on, “Demi’s Diems” was pretty terrible.  So, I chose the column name “Unspoken.”


Top 5 Fantasy Book Series

With the popularity of big-budget, high profile fantasy shows popping up everywhere recently, streaming services seem to be looking for the next Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones to fill in that empty void. Shows like The Witcher and the upcoming Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, and the Game of Thrones prequel will hopefully continue to provide great, epic fantasy entertainment. There are many other fantasy book series that often get overlooked by bigger series however, they deserve the same, if not more, recognition as the bigger show stoppers. These series could also make for great book-to-screen adaptations, like some of the others. Considering the state of the world right now, we all could use a break and jump into a fantastical world where our problems don’t seem quite as bad. 


Warmer Temperatures Ahead

Weather forecaster Chris Guevara is tracking warmer temperatures, windy conditions and the next weather system. 

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