Alex Hindenlang, DN Design

One Last Lap

There’s nothing wrong with five, or three, or taking a gap semester and coming back to study something completely different than what you originally had planned.

Alex Hindenlang, DN Illustration, John Lynch, DN Photo

Wounds at home

Rittenhouse was always going to get away with murder, not because of the facts of the situation, but because of the country we live in, a system that prioritizes white innocence over the suffering of others.

A visitor looks at an art piece during "The First Guide" art gallery Nov. 18 at PlySpace in downtown Muncie. The gallery was part of a one-night-only event. Eli Houser, DN

Ball State students help create a 'White River Guide'

Through the center of downtown Muncie runs the White River, a primary source for drinking water in the community that has both literally and figuratively had its highs and lows. It’s a 13-minute walk from the heart of downtown Muncie to the White River — accessible to everyone and an almost daily sight.

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