Close up of students holding their phones and tablets while using gadgets for study

Are Unlimited Phone Plans Truly Unlimited?

Cell phones have become a part of society to the point that it’s hard for some people to imagine living without them. The amount of integration that these personal pieces of technology have seen in the daily lives of people around the globe is astounding. Over the last twenty years, the rise in prominence of cell phones has connected people all over the world in all kinds of new and exciting ways. 

Portrait of a young girl blowing her nose after catching a cold

5 Reasons You May be Experiencing Allergies

Based on the results of present day studiespeople can be allergic to food, insects, pollen, medicine, animals, among several other things. Luckily, there are ways to get an accurate at home allergy test to properly ascertain where an allergy originated and thus how best to treat it. 

Art on the side of two buildings in downtown Muncie, Indiana, pictured the morning of July 19, 2022. This art not only showcases the artists' ability but promotes the local businesses inside the building the art is featured on. (Kyle Smedley/DN)

Art of downtown Muncie: Part 2

Art on the side of two buildings in downtown Muncie, Indiana, pictured the morning of July 19, 2022. This art not only showcases the artists' ability but promotes the local businesses inside the building the art is featured on.

How to Stop Stressing Over Money So It Doesn't Harm Your Health

Money worries can have a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. They can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression – all of which can, in turn, lead to serious health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Tt is important to take a preventative approach to money problems before they become much more serious. Here are some ways of doing just that.

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