Davonte Longmire poses for a photo in Livwezi, Malawi. Davonte Longmire, Photo Provided

buildOn for the next generation

Ball State Alumnus Davonte Longmire is a digital marketing manager for buildOn, where some of his additional duties are to expand their social media presence and support different elections and companies who support buildOn. Currently, he is helping build a school in Africa with buildOn.

Discover Different Ways Customers Use ID Police

Identity theft is a serious crime that can have devastating consequences for the victim. That's why it's so important to take precautions to protect your personal information.


Society’s Silent Killer

As a society, we have put our literal well-being on a backburner and chosen to prioritize “the hustle.” We’re obsessed with “the grind” and “getting the bag.” 


'Cardiac Cardinals' strike again

That ‘Cardiac Cardinals’ moniker popped in and out of conversations from fans as they left Scheumann Stadium. It could be heard around the team facility as players and coaches filtered out as if emphasizing the idea that this team would hang around until the bitter end.


Art and All Its Forms

Ball State students in the Ceramics Lab work with lots of different kinds of clay, and for lots of different reasons. Two art students and a ceramics professor share their stories with the Ball State Daily News and reveal what the medium means to them.


Architecture program supports local communities

“I wanted to be able to walk into a room of men and say with confidence that I knew what went into those beams and the rafters and the electrical,” Suding said. “It was really important for me to take advantage of everything Ball State has to offer in their architecture program.”

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