Cold Weekend Ahead

Assistant Chief Weather Forecaster Ryan Crump has your update on a windy and cold Friday. Wind chill readings will be at or below zero for the weekend.


Blustery weekend ahead

Weather Forecaster Hunter Luzadder has an update on the brutal temperatures this weekend but warmer weather returning soon


New program at Ivy Tech helps convicted criminals

“They are literally reintegrating into society, and they don't feel good about who they are, what they have done, and most importantly who they have hurt. So, this does mean alot to them,” said Stacy Bell, Work Matters liaison at Ivy Tech. 

The National Football League logo in the turf. The National Football League was founded in 1920. Jonathan Moreau, photo courtesy

SCOTT: The NFL's new Pro Bowl format will not be popular

January is when all the magic happens and, amid all the NFL playoff games that have me on the edge of my seat filled with suspense and pandemonium, I can sit back, relax and take in a breather with the NFL Pro Bowl. The All-Star Game of the NFL is an amusing occasion that truly allows me to see my favorite players in the league and enjoy them all coming together to create a super team going up against another super team.


Free cancer screening

“Early diagnosis of cancer is critical to treatment, cure and survival. Screening for cancer is a way to find cancer early. Offering a free breast and cervical cancer screening will hopefully allow women to be screened by eliminating barriers,” said Becky Butts, Coordinator of Community Education. 


Women’s basketball opens at home

“It’s really fun. It’s super exhilarating to have the support there. After the game, we were able to get up into the stands and the kids would yell, ‘I love you. I want to be you. Can I have your autograph?’ It’s really cool to see,” Clephane said.

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