A voter cast his ballot at the Lexington 1 precinct in Saxe Gotha Presbyterian church, Tuesday, June 10, 2014 in Columbia, South Carolina. (Tim Dominick/The State/MCT)

Students contemplate voting in upcoming elections

As state elections approach, some students are debating whether or not to vote on Nov. 4 despite the impact resulting policies could have on them.Out of 15 Ball State students asked, only five said they were planning to vote this year. Indiana had the second-lowest voter turn out in 2010 for the 18-29 age group in the country, according to civicyouth.org.


Federal court upholds Indiana right to work

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A federal appeals court upheld Indiana’s right-to-work law banning mandatory union fees on Tuesday in a split decision that was delivered a few days before the state Supreme Court hears separate challenges over whether the 2012 measure violates the state constitution.

A gay-marriage supporter flies a rainbow flag during a rally in Seattle, Washington, in March, when the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that led to federal recognition of same-sex marriages. (Greg Gilbert/Seattle Times/MCT)

Federal judges hear Indiana gay marriage case

CHICAGO (AP) Federal appeals judges bristled Tuesday at arguments defending gay marriage bans in Indiana and Wisconsin,with one Republican appointee comparing them to now-defunct laws that once outlawed weddings between blacks and whites.

KRT TRAVEL STORY SLUGGED: INDIANAPOLIS KRT PHOTOGRAPH BY ROBERT CROSS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE (May 14) Indiana's State Capitol is in Indianapolis. A new park, complete with granite fountain, offers a sweeping view of the statehouse. (TB) NC KD 2001 (Horiz) (mvw)

Indiana told to honor other states; gay marriages

INDIANAPOLIS — A federal judge ruled Tuesday that Indiana must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, but says the ruling doesn't take effect until the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules on the issue.


Indiana expands Lifeline Law

A year ago, one Indiana University freshman died at her first college party. Rachael Fiege fell down a set of stairs, hitting her head. Her friends didn’t call 911 and by the next morning, Fiege died from internal bleeding in her brain.

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