As the 12 Mid-American Conference football programs move through their respected 2017-18 campaigns, The Daily News will give a recap and preview every week, running through the teams' previous opponents and looking ahead to the following week. MAC, Photo Provided

MAC football rundown: Week 4

In the non-conference schedule, the Mid-American Conference West Division outplayed the East for the most part, but after week three, East schools are undefeated in the two conference games played thus far. 

Jay Coles is the author of the contemporary, young adult book “Tyler Johnson Was Here.” Coles is a student at Ball State.  Kaiti Sullivan, DN

Ball State student becomes published author

"I felt like the media and a lot of society really treated Martin like a thug because he was black and because he wore a hoodie, and I remember being really angry about that," Coles said. "I was like, I gotta tell that story."

These file photos show, assistant basketball coaches Tony Bland, left, Chuck Person, center, and Lamont Richardson. The three, along with assistant coach Lamont Evans of Oklahoma State, were identified in court papers and are among 10 people facing federal charges in Manhattan federal court, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017, in a wide probe of fraud and corruption in the NCAA, authorities said. AP Photo

NCAA assistant coaches among 10 facing corruption charges

NEW YORK (AP) — Four assistant basketball coaches from Arizona, Auburn, the University of Southern California and Oklahoma State were among those arrested on federal corruption charges Tuesday after they were caught taking thousands of dollars in bribes to steer NBA-destined college stars toward certain sports agents and financial advisers, authorities said.

Ball State President Geoffrey S. Mearns gives a speech on Sept. 8 at the Installation of Geoffrey S. Mearns in John R. Emens Auditorium. Mearns is the 17th President of Ball State University. Kaiti Sullivan, DN File

President Mearns to discuss arts and culture at next public forum

President Geoffrey S. Mearns will sit on a panel with trustee member Tom Bracken, board president of Muncie Civic Theatre Leigh Edwards, director of Ball State School of Music Ryan Hourigan, director of Muncie Public Library Akilah Nosakhere and director of education at David Owsley Museum of Art Tania Said to discuss arts and culture Wednesday.


Android already does this: An analysis of Apple's latest releases

I’ve never been one to take a bite out of Apple. My first smartphone was the Samsung Galaxy S4, and I just upgraded this summer to the Google Pixel. While I will admit that Apple products have their place in the technology market and showcase some good key features, I don’t believe they’ve ever really lived up to the hype surrounding their phones and computers. However, with the news of the latest iPhones being released, I decided to tune in, watch the release, and give my take on the iPhone release from the perspective of an Android fanboy. 


Nirvana's 'Nevermind' turns 26

The album that thrust the grunge movement into the spotlight, Nevermind, came out 26 years ago this week. Along with the Live in New York performance, Nevermind stands as one of Nirvana’s most popular albums, giving us tracks like “Come as You Are” and “Smells Like Teen Spirit”.