'American Vandal' is a who-done-it done impressively well

Despite a less-than-satisfying mystery, ‘American Vandal’ is a sight to behold with its strong array of actors and its multitude of genuinely funny moments. While the show may not win any Emmys, it is a solid entry in the Netflix catalog. This fantastic comedy is great for passing time and even better for passing time with friends. 


'Aho-Girl': Old formula, novel presentation, great execution

'Aho-Girl', with its great animation, light story, simple plot, half-length episodes, and slapstick humor could keep anyone entertained through its first twelve-episode season. With an array of characters that cover a large range of personality types, there’s something new and funny in every episode that this light-hearted comedy has to offer for both seasoned veterans and anime initiates alike.


No answers: YouTube blocks LGBT content

“Some of the demonetization I understand and is completely fair based on YouTube’s user guidelines, the issue is that it does not tell you for individual videos what caused it to be flagged.” They told me in an email this weekend. Currently, the only context creators are given as to why their videos have been demonetized is the message, “not suitable for all advertisers.”

Sophomore Bri Slonim performs her balance beam routine during the meet against University of Kentucky on Jan. 29 at Worthen Arena. Ball State lost the meet 195.300-194.025. Emma Rogers, DN File

2018 Gymnastics schedule released

The Ball State gymnastics team has released their schedule for its 2018 season. The team will kick off the season in at the University of Kentucky on January 5 where they will take on Kentucky, George Washington and Southeast Missouri State. 

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