Riot Games faces lawsuit over sexist workplace conditions

Female employees regularly belittled at staff meetings. Women promised pay raises and promotions that were given to male coworkers. Women made fun of and sexually objectified. According to a lawsuit filed in early November, these and other more egregious claims are being brought against Riot Games in a class action suit alleging the company and it’s top management created a workplace environment which fosters a culture of sexism and discrimination toward women. 


Outrageous, funny, and surprisingly compelling: Tenacious D’s ‘Post-Apocalypto’

 ‘Post-Apocalypto’ is a silly but hilarious album. The instrumentals have  an excellent flow and include ferocious vocal performance from Black,  Gass, and Grohl, but the end of the album falls flat with a lack of  context and music. However, it is still a Tenacious D album and holds  true to their rock/metal sound and outrageous lyrics creating a very  funny, and enjoyable experience.  

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