Get a Better Understanding Business Hacks in 2022 With These Tips

The last couple of years have been very hard on businesses worldwide. For some things are great, many have moved exclusively online, and sadly some have closed their doors forever. If your company has been impacted over the last couple of years, or perhaps you are starting a new business venture and looking for a few tips on having a thriving business, these may be for you.

What To Know About The International Driving Permit Online In The United Kingdom?

When you compare it to the other countries, the UK is slightly different because it doesn't allow online applications for its residents. The way you do it is to contact your local Post Office and apply for an IDP, which will cost you £5.5. You will also need to provide your license and a copy of your passport.

Maggie Getzin, DN Design

Unearned Return

If Ball State accepts Theta Chi’s attempt to come back and reestablish a new chapter, Ball State’s administration will be setting a dangerous precedent for Greek Life organizations.