Open-Minded: Changing traditions

We all remember waking up our parents up at 7 a.m. Christmas morning to run down the stairs and see the presents Santa Claus left under the tree. My family traditionally would wake up, eat muffins and bacon and open gifts. After opening all of the presents, we would get dressed and head down to southern Indiana to see our extended family. We would always spend the night at the Holiday Inn in Columbus, Indiana. Why? Simply because it’s a tradition.

Kennedi Barnett is a junior journalism news major and does illustrations and writes "Kennedi’s Kaleidoscope" for The Daily News. Her views do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper. Contact Kennedi with comments at kpbarnett@bsu.edu.

Endlessly Thinking: I’ll wear what I want

Every morning, I chuck numerous tops onto my bed because they just aren’t quite what I want to wear that day. I rummage through my overflowing closet until I finally find the top — the one that makes me feel unstoppable and the only one that matches my mood for the day. I walk out of my room, feeling satisfied knowing that I’m wearing my ideal outfit for the day and that I won’t be overthinking it. All of that comes to a halt when I feel it. 

Kami Geron, DN

Artful Ruckus: Thanksgiving is a bunch of stuffing

Waking up to the smell of meat and potatoes has to be every American’s dream. I guess I’m truly just unpatriotic because I don’t like — no, I despise — Thanksgiving. It’s just one more day until Christmas, honestly. It just so happens we celebrate it by overeating, napping and watching TV surrounded by our relatives we usually can’t wait to kick out of the house. Thanksgiving just isn’t that great. And before you attack me, just listen.

The Forever 21 store is seen on opening day at the Carousel Center, now known as Destiny USA. (TNS, Photo Courtesy)

Loud and Clear: Temporarily 21

When Forever 21 announced it was filing for bankruptcy, my immediate thought was, “Well, I guess they were only Temporarily 21.” After I laughed at my own joke, however, I realized just how hard it was going to be for me to buy clothes from here on out. 

Carson poses with the band Pierce the Veil, June 10, 2016. It was the second time Sophia’s seen them, it was the only tour where they played their entire album, Misadventures. Sophia Carson, photo provided.

Brutally Honest: Therapy reimagined

That moment when the filler music before a show stops, and you know it’s show time. The venue lights go down, the screams rise, the intro music to the first song begins … and there they are: one of your favorite artists, if not your favorite, in the flesh. The artist or band that has lifted your spirits, quenched your bad moods and had you bopping from day one is directly in front of you.


The Gaggle: Leaf me alone

Inner conflict. We all have it. For some, it’s as simple as whether or not to help an elderly person across the street. For me, though, inner conflict stems from something that keeps me up at night: Do I actually like iceberg lettuce?

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