Student Center reinstalls electronic sign

After being taken down a few days after being installed, the new electronic sign in front of the L.A. Pittenger Student Center was reinstalled Monday evening.


New grant would be used to improve environment

Muncie and Ball State University are partnering to develop a grant proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency that could allocate up to $400,000 to address environmental problems in the city.


Campus organizations travel on Spring Break to help those in need

For some groups on Ball State University's campus Spring Break will mean helping people instead of traveling for enjoyment. Members of The Revolution church, greek students, Student Voluntary Services and people involved in the The Timmy Foundation will be traveling to various locales to help those in need.


New Web site to reduce spam

University Marketing and Communications has been working for 18 months to conceptualize a three-part system that will reduce the number of irrelevant e-mails students receive from Ball State University.


Aliquam et nisl vel

Morbi euismod enim eget neque. Donec sagittis massa. Vestibulum quis augue sit amet ipsum laoreet pretium. Nulla facilisi. Duis tincidunt, felis et luctus placerat, ipsum libero vestibulum sem, vitae elementum wisi ipsum a metus. Nulla a enim sed dui hendrerit lobortis. Donec lacinia vulputate magna. Vivamus suscipit lectus at quam. In lectus est, viverra a, ultricies ut, pulvinar vitae, tellus.


Nunc auctor bibendum eros

Aenean risus purus, pharetra in, blandit quis, gravida a, turpis. Donec nisl. Aenean eget mi. Fusce mattis est id diam. Phasellus faucibus interdum sapien. Duis quis nunc. Sed enim.

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