Ball State adds new entrance to welcome campus visitors

Ball State recently added a new feature to its east side. Along with Kinghorn Hall and the new medians, sidewalks and vegetation on Neely Avenue, Ball State has installed a new set of entrance signs at the corner of Neely and New York avenues.


Pepsi victorious in cola wars at Ball State

Starting this month, Ball State will make the switch from Coca-Cola products to Pepsi products by entering into a five-year agreement with Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers of Indiana Inc.


Obama: US combat in Iraq over, 'time to turn page'

Fiercely opposed to the war from the start, President Barack Obama formally ended the U.S. combat role in Iraq after seven long years of bloodshed, firmly declaring Tuesday night: "It is time to turn the page."


Study says flood caused $7.1 billion in damages

The Center for Business and Economic Research estimates the large scale flooding in Pakistan has caused $7.1 billion in damages, according to a new joint study from Ball State and the University of Tennessee.


State opens new website for budget transparency

The state has a new transparency website that pulls together Indiana budget data, spending reports and other financial information that previously had been spread across multiple sites.


The Rinker Center hosts study abroad fair today

Today, the Rinker Center for International Programs is featuring the Study Abroad Fair in the Art and Journalism Building. The fair is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Atrium and highlights many study abroad programs to various countries.


UPB's Quad Bash expects high student turnout

To finish Welcome Week, University Program Board is hosting its annual Quad Bash at 7 p.m. Friday. This event typically brings in more than 1,000 students for a night of music, free food and a movie.

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