Students sell class work at Atrium tables

With holiday shopping underway, Ball State artists are hoping to sell their crafts to fellow students, peddling their wares from table displays at the Atrium.


Ball State's geothermal project enters Phase 2

Ball State's geothermal project — a massive cost-saving endeavor and the only one of its kind — is easing into Phase 2 with little fanfare as funding continues to wane, university officials said.


Blagojevich gets 14 years in prison for corruption

CHICAGO — The Rod Blagojevich who once challenged a prosecutor to face him like a man, the glad-handing politician who took to celebrity TV shows to profess his innocence, was nowhere to be found on Wednesday as he was sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption.


Ball State skips on buying '.xxx' domain names

MUNCIE, Ind. — Unlike Indiana's other major colleges, Ball State University isn't trying to buy up possible school Internet domains names using a new suffix meant for pornography sites.  


VIDEO: New apartment complex

Muncie residents share their concerns about a new apartment complex that will be built near McGalliard road. NewsLink Indiana's Sarah Phinney reports.


Gov. Daniels says state found untouched $300 million

INDIANAPOLIS — Gov. Mitch Daniels announced Tuesday that state officials have found $300 million that went untouched even as lawmakers made deep cuts to education and slashed vacant government jobs while it weathered the Great Recession.


GOP rivals hope to court Cain supporters

A day after Herman Cain shuttered his Republican candidacy for president, struggling GOP hopefuls looked to pick up the fallen candidate's tea party following and upset a primary dynamic that has pushed Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich to the forefront.

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