Honors College offers prize for thesis projects
March 29, 2012Students needing financial assistance for their senior thesis project have the chance to win a cash prize of $1,000.
Students needing financial assistance for their senior thesis project have the chance to win a cash prize of $1,000.
College is a time for many students to have fun and let loose, but it's also a critical time to think about future endeavors, including marriage.
Brain injuries occur around the world due to car, motorcycle and sports accidents.
Ball State's annual Greek Week will kick off today as a way for members of Greek Life to showcase who they are.
A group of Ball State students wants to make a change for the local community - by inviting others to have fun and help.
A former president of Eastern Michigan University, who was fired for failing to readily disclose information about a rape and murder on campus, has been hired as the new associate vice president of economic development and community engagement at Ball State.
The leading national organization opposing same-sex marriage has sought to split the Democratic Party base by pitting African-Americans and Hispanics against gay-rights groups, according to confidential strategy memos made public by court officials in Maine.
A St. Patrick's day event will get your feet moving through the Village. The first-ever Sham Walk offers free swag from area businesses instead of a pot of gold, but you'll still feel the luck o' the Irish for taking part.
A woman arrested on the third floor of Bracken Library on Tuesday night was attempting to steal a couple books by removing the bar codes located on the inside covers, according to a University Police Department arrest report.
A woman arrested on the third floor of Bracken Library on Tuesday night was attempting to steal a couple books by removing the bar codes located on the inside covers, according to a University Police Department arrest report.
A Muncie pedestrian is in critical condition after a collision with a car on Bethel Avenue.
For those who think that film noir is dead, Richard Edwards says think again.
If lawmakers fail to pass national legislation to maintain the U. S. Postal Service, Muncie's mail processing facility could be eliminated in the coming months.
AT&T advertises phones with 4G LTE capability, but until now Ball State students were not able to utilize that service.
After a brief cancellation, the London Centre fall program is back on schedule.
JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. - Indiana State Police said officers have arrested four southern Indiana residents for allegedly looting scrap metal from tornado disaster areas in southern Indiana's Clark and Washington counties.
SANTIAGO, Cuba - Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Cuba on Monday in the footsteps of his more famous predecessor, saying he holds great affection for Cubans on both sides of the Florida Straits and heartfelt hopes for reconciliation.
Monday, the Associated Press released a brief explaining that four people had been arrested for theft in Henryville, Ind.
INDIANAPOLIS - New rules proposed by the Indiana Board of Education that could greatly expand the number of public schools subject to state takeover have been shelved until state legislators can examine them more closely.
Throngs of people came downtown on Saturday for the 11th annual Muncie Gras, including new attraction such as human bowling and bungee jumping.