Eli Lilly settles Mass. pregnancy drug-cancer case

BOSTON  — Eli Lilly and Co. has settled a lawsuit brought by four sisters who contended their breast cancer was caused by a drug their mother took during pregnancy in the 1950s, a move some believe could trigger financial settlements in scores of other claims brought by women around the country.  


Art museum looks for new docents

The David Owsley Museum of Art has introduced people to new experiences and concepts, but recently student’s email boxes have been introduced to another new term: docent. 


Mass. women at trial: Pregnancy drug caused cancer

BOSTON  — Eli Lilly and Co. failed to test a drug's effect on fetuses before promoting it as a way to prevent miscarriages, a lawyer charged Tuesday in opening statements in a trial over whether four sisters' breast cancer was caused by medication their mother took during pregnancy.

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