Kroft says Obama-Clinton interview request a surprise

With limited time and the unusual nature of a dual appearance with President Barack Obama and outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CBS’ Steve Kroft said Monday he thought it important to focus on their professional relationship instead of specific questions about world events.


Newtown parents urge enforcement of gun laws

HARTFORD, Conn. — Some parents of the youngest victims of the Newtown elementary school shooting on Monday urged Connecticut lawmakers to better enforce the state's existing gun laws, with one father questioning why civilians need semiautomatic, military-style weapons.


Barge hits Miss. River bridge; Oil cleanup ongoing

VICKSBURG, Miss. — Cleanup crews with booms skimmed oily water from the Mississippi River a day after a barge with more than 80,000 gallons of oil struck a railroad bridge near Vicksburg, spreading a sheen of light crude that kept part of the waterway shut to ship traffic Monday, authorities said.


Obama birth control mandates loosens lawsuits

The legal challenges over religious freedom and the birth control coverage requirement in President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul appear to be moving toward the U.S. Supreme Court.


Fraud concerns linger over new Ill. license law

As Illinois becomes the fourth and most populous state to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, there are still nagging concerns that the measure doesn’t have enough safeguards to avoid the identity fraud and other pitfalls faced by the three other states with similar laws.