Cadet Sean Collier wears the Somerville Police Department uniform for his 25th MPOC Academy Police graduation portrait. Although employed by MIT, Collier was sponsored by Somerville PD while at the academy. Photo taken September 27, 2010. (Jim Mahoney/Boston Herald/MCT)

Slain MIT officer memorialized at campus service

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.  — The casket of slain Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer is in place at a campus memorial as thousands of students, faculty and staff, law enforcement officials from across the nation and Vice President Joe Biden gathered to pay respects to Sean Collier.


3 murder charges against Pa. abortion doc tossed

PHILADELPHIA  — Three of eight murder charges were thrown out Tuesday against a Philadelphia abortion provider whose clinic was called a "house of horrors," apparently because the judge had not heard sufficient evidence from prosecutors that the three babies were viable, born alive and then killed.

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