The 30-minute long event included messages from Ball State President Paul W. Ferguson, Pastor Andre Mitchell, Associate Dean Lori Byers, student Darian Bailey and a poem by Shay Stewart. Students in attendence also read aloud the Beneficence Pledge, led by current Student Government Association President Nick Wilkey. DN PHOTO BREANA DAUGHERTY

Hesser talks about diversity

WCRD Reporter Travis Robinson sat down with President elect Jack Hesser to talk about his goals towards promoting diversity at Ball State in conjunction with the Beneficence Dialogue.


Live at Five 3-31

Hear what's happening around the nation along with the Beneficence talks with President Paul Ferguson with the WCRD News Live at Five team! Anchors Danielle Behrens Hannah Rapp Entertainment Danielle Ortiz Weather Forecaster Ashley Baldwin Producer Garrett Lamkin Live Reporter Travis Robinson

The 30-minute long event included messages from Ball State President Paul W. Ferguson, Pastor Andre Mitchell, Associate Dean Lori Byers, student Darian Bailey and a poem by Shay Stewart. Students in attendence also read aloud the Beneficence Pledge, led by current Student Government Association President Nick Wilkey. DN PHOTO BREANA DAUGHERTY

Students express concerns of campus diversity discussion during Beneficence Dialogue

A Ball State student leader finally had the chance to talk about the university’s silencing of multicultural organizations. David Jones, current president of the Ball State Black Student Association, said at the Beneficence Dialogue March 31 that the executive board had its funding threatened for discussing the recent John R. Emens Award controversy with both the media and its members.

Jennifer Jones-Hall - Student Life

Director of Student Life resigns

Jennifer Jones-Hall, director of Student Life and adviser to the Student Government Association, has resigned from her position Monday evening, the university said. Joan Todd, interim associate vice president for University Marketing and Communications said Jones resigned "to pursue other opportunities." She has been with the university since 2011. Jones-Hall was recently mentioned in a letter to Ball State President Paul Ferguson from Student Government Association Chief of Staff Chris Taylor and the Student Government Association President Nick Wilkey. The letter expressed concern about the selection of the John R.

Shown above is an example of an empty holster, demonstrated byDavid Vest, president of Students for Concealed Carry Ball State chapter .DN PHOTO RACHEL PODNER

Students wear empty holsters to protest

Some students are bringing their holsters to campus this week -- but not their guns. This week is the annual Empty Holster Protest week for Students for Concealed Carry, a national organization dedicated to allowing students to use their concealed carry permits on college campuses.


Live at Five 3-30

Hear about the growing controversy with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act along with all your other news, sports, weather and entertainment headlines with the WCRD News Live at Five Team! Anchors Brittney Dean Garrett Lamkin Entertainment Anchor Kanyinsola Ajayi Weather Forecaster Evan Brosman Sports Anchor Petar Hood Producer Danielle Ortiz Reporters


Ball State joins IU, Butler, DePauw against RFRA

Ball State President Paul Ferguson announced his, and the university’s, stance on Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a statement Monday. In his statement sent to campus via email, Ferguson said Ball State “will not tolerate discrimination.” Ferguson’s stance follows statements issued Sunday by Indiana, DePauw and Butler university presidents.


Controversy continues over religious freedom bill

After Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed the controversial Senate Bill 101 into effect, opponents both locally and nationally continued to voice concern that the law could allow businesses to discriminate, particularly against those in the LGBTQ community.