A confiscated bottle of Vodka sits on the hood of Indiana State Excise officer Brandon Thomas's car early on Nov. 3. The underage student who was carrying the vodka on him was written a ticket for minor possession, a charge usually handled by the Delaware County deferral program. DN PHOTO COREY OHLENKAMP

Ball State on-campus alcohol arrests increase by 70 percent

Alcohol arrests at Ball State jumped 70 percent last year — far more than some other state universities — as Indiana State Excise Police continued targeting underage drinking at Indiana colleges. Ball State’s annual security report showed 150 liquor law arrests on campus last year, compared with 88 in 2013 and 87 in 2012

Ball State is working on making virtual tours of campus available for prospective students. This will help students that are in high school or out of the state or country see the campus because scheduling an on-campus tour guide could be difficult. DN PHOTO SAMANTHA BRAMMER

Campus now offers virtual tours

Virtual tours of campus will soon be available for prospective students who are from out of state, out of the country or just unable to a tour into their schedule. The virtual tour guides are meant to be more convenient for high school students and international students who are interested in Ball State. Students who find the scheduling of on campus tour guides too hard to commit to can use the virtual tour guides to see around campus.

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