Formerly referred to as Gearbox: Muncie, A Maker Hub, the makerspace project has changed its name to  Madjax. PHOTO PROVIDED BY SHELLEY SHEKELL

Makerspace project announces new name, 1st set of tenants

Since its launch in fall 2014, one major Muncie project has changed its name and is continuing to grow exponentially. Formerly referred to as Gearbox: Muncie, A Maker Hub, the makerspace project has changed its name to better fit its evolving brand, according to a press release. 

Gary Johnson, a third Libertarian Party candidate, has said he is running in the 2016 presidential race. PHOTO COURTESY OF WIKIPEDIA.ORG

Gary Johnson on issues

While the 2016 presidential race has its major party nominees, a third Libertarian Party candidate has stepped up to say he's running too. Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico, businessman, triathlete and mountain climber, is trying to win over middle-of-the-road Democrats and Republicans, or anyone who isn't satisfied with either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

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