Even though Christmas is still 40 days away, stores have already started setting up displays and holiday promotions. Samantha Brammer // DN 

Are the holidays in November too soon?

The holiday season is still more than a month away, however, that doesn't prevent stores from displaying festive promotions before the Thanksgiving turkey even hits the dinner table.

The city of Muncie is currently under a Boil alert. Terence K. Lightning Jr. // DN

Muncie water not plagued with lead

This week’s 24-hour boil-order aside, Muncie’s water supply appears to be safe – especially when it comes to levels of lead, a contaminant that has rocked communities across the country including several in Indiana. “It’s good to my knowledge,” Lee Florea, a hydrologist said.

A flier was posted within residence halls on Ball State's campus in order to inform residents of the 24-hour boil notice issued on Nov. 14. Many worried about lead contamination, like in Flint, Michigan, but Muncie's water supply is now safe to consume. Provided Photo

UPDATE: Boil water advisory lifted

Muncie residents and students on the Ball State campus using city water have been placed under a water boil advisory and have been instructed not to drink any water coming from the tap.  The boil alert has been issued until 10:00 p.m.

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