Reporter, anchor and author Deborah Roberts gave Ball State students a new perspective on women's progress and her own career Monday night at Emens Auditorium.
In a debate filled with agreements, disagreements and slight confusion, members from the three nominated 2019 Student Government Association (SGA) slates presented their opinions and stances tying them back to their platform points.
This week's Wellness Minute features an on-campus weeklong celebration.
NewsLink Indiana Weather Forecaster Steven Diana has your update on more wintry weather on the way along with our temperatures sticking around average for this time of the year.
A bipartisan bill that would have regulated industrial-sized farms was shot down Wednesday, 9-3, in the House Committee on Environmental Affairs.
We’ve all been lied to — dogs’ mouths are not, in fact, cleaner than human mouths, according to an award-winning third-grade science experiment.
A day filled with emotion and entertainment concluded with hundreds of thousands of dollars raised for the children at Riley Children's Hospital.
Ball State sent a campus-wide Public Safety Advisory email at around 4 a.m. Saturday, after a report of a sexual assault in an on-campus residence hall.
Weather Forecaster Joseph Williams has more information on the nice weather for Saturday and potential snow showers in the following days.
Marie Kondo’s new Netflix series “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo” has sent the world on an organizing frenzy, and members of Ball State’s community have adopted her ideas into their lectures and daily lives.
February is known for candy hearts, roses and Cupid, but with romance can come a darker side that can get lost in the celebration of love.
Weather forecaster Natalie Fitzpatrick has your update on a Sunny Saturday and rain and snow mix for Sunday.
What was once an empty patch of land near Maring-Hunt Library in Muncie is now an award-winning community space because of the efforts of a Ball State professor and her team.
With subjects ranging from gender-inclusive housing to sexual assaults on Ball State’s campus, Thursday’s debate served as the first of three debates for the 2019 Student Government Association (SGA) Election.
While the tours started Monday evening, you still have the opportunity to attend Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
Weather Forecaster Shaemus Kreider has the update on the Valentine's Day weather and beyond.
A 9-year-old, blood-loving metalhead, a dedicated director and a professional horror movie actor: This is the recipe for Pale Moonlight Cinema’s (PMC) upcoming short film, “Popsy.”