2022 Juneteenth Celebration in McCulloch Park

June 18, 2022, from 3-9 p.m. at McCulloch Park in Muncie, Indiana, a Juneteenth celebration was held. Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans and is celebrated June 19, among other days.

Greg Weaver and Jeff Crosby work in an Indiana Statehouse press shack in 1983 while covering the Indiana General Assembly. That same year, the Daily News won Newspaper of the Year at ICPA. Greg Weaver, Photo Provided
DN 100

There's No Place Like Home: Former Daily News adviser and editors reflect on 100 years

  The newsroom wasn’t always Doug Toney’s home. When he was a freshman at Ball State in 1969, Toney was on track to become a history teacher. Born and raised on the farm, he said it made sense to have summers off and help his family out on the property. But, after one mass communications class with George Harper, former professor of journalism, Toney was “hooked.”


Habitat’s Heroine

With a bottle of water, reading materials and a phone charging on the table beside her, Sharon Kay Brown sits in her favorite rocking chair every Tuesday evening and tunes into NBC’s “Chicago Fire.”

Raegan Gorden plays the drum set March 19 during a rehearsal. Gorden plays in the bands "Whydah" and "Leisure Hour." Rylan Capper, DN

Back in the Groove: Almost two years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, Ball State’s music scene is slowly rebuilding

Guitars strumming. Music blaring. Voices raised. People dancing.  Before March 2020, the music scene on Ball State’s campus was as lively as ever. Then, everything changed. Once the pandemic hit, shows were immediately canceled, and the noise that once filled Ball State’s campus became a nearly silent hum. Now, slowly but surely, the scene is rebuilding, the sound is returning and music is back once again.

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