Play written by Ball State professor to be performed in Indy

A Ball State professor will have her play performed for three nights at the Sixth Annual DivaFest in Indianapolis starting April 2. “Anna’s Wings” is a play written by Angela Jackson-Brown, an English professor, and follows the story of Anna, who is fighting Alzheimer’s disease, and her husband Sheriff Leo Skinner, who is fighting for reelection.


Top 10 songs this week

“7 Years” by Lukas Graham swaps for first this week, with Meghan Trainor’s “NO” sliding to second and Flo Rida’s “My House” sticking around in third.


DINNER FOR 2ISH: Chicken curry

We started cooking together in the summer of 2015 and have planned and cooked a dinner every week since. Our recipes are often inspired by the New York Times’ cooking website but are adapted to fit Muncie availability and a college budget. Chicken curry seems intimidating, but it's one of our easiest, quickest and most delicious recipes.

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