As you continue with your online classes this semester, you may feel an increase in your stress levels and caffeine intake.
Now that autumn is here, with it comes cool weather, pumpkin-flavored foods and colorful leaves.
“In all reality, I have been overweight for so much of my life, it began to take a toll on my life. I hated how I felt, how I looked and how people treated me. I knew I had to reclaim my life. Along with that, I wanted to prove everyone wrong.”
Here are the ten best 90s movies to help you live out your 90s nostalgia during quarantine.
The buildings alongside Walnut Street were wrapped in corrugated aluminum, hiding the historic brick facades. Some had been renovated to the styles of the ‘80s. It was a mishmash of architecture. The street was paved over as a plaza for pedestrians to walk from store to store — except they didn’t.