(From left) Graham Walters, Owen Walters, Dawn Walters and Bryan Walters. Walters, Photo Provided

Walters family to be honored as official family for Family Weekend

On Saturday, the university will host one of its biggest events for Family Weekend — the football game. Prior to this week, freshman telecommunications major Owen Walters wasn't going to attend the game, until his mom, Dawn Walters, received a phone call from Ball State notifying her that her family would be honored during the 2017 Family Weekend Ceremony. 

This year makers the second-annual Sursa Organ Competition here at Ball State.  The competition was organized with the intention of introducing student musicians to professionals and students from institutions outside of Muncie. Ball State, Photo Provided

Sursa Organ Competition returns to Ball State

A silent audience awaits in Sursa Performance Hall, all eyes turning toward the lone organ at the front of the room as the lights begin to dim and organist Raul Ramirez takes the stage.

Stacey Grogg joined the Ball State dining team in July as the wellness nutritionist. Grogg works with campus chefs and dining location managers so that students with special dietary needs feel more comfortable approaching them. Terence K. Lightning, DN File

Alumna returns as wellness nutritionist

Navigating the 11 dining locations on campus can be difficult for any student, but a Ball State alumna, Stacey Grogg, has returned to campus to connect students to resources and provide information.

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