12 signs you're a dance major
By Tier Morrow / October 12, 20171. "Leotards become your best friend." - Helen Sorensen, junior.
1. "Leotards become your best friend." - Helen Sorensen, junior.
When volunteering at an event, Carlie Boggs, a junior at Wapahani High School, met a child who filled her heart with compassion and gave her an idea.
While Stitch ‘n Bitch was brought to Muncie in 2014, the gathering that takes place at 3 p.m. every Sunday at The Cup resembles knitting groups that gathered over 70 years ago.
Science collides with art through displays of a robot’s masterpiece, chemical reactions, augmented reality, audible message decoding and more at the David Owsley Museum of Art’s exhibit Engaging Technology II: Art + Science.
A new month means new events at Cornerstone Center for the Arts, and with Halloween coming up, events like Son of Scarevania Haunted House are offered to give visitors a thrill.
Here are some tips to combat the cold and flu season and make Ball State's campus a healthier place.
A presale for tickets to the Justin Moore: Hell On a Highway Tour with Dylan Scott at Emens Auditorium began at 10 a.m. today.
Throughout October, Beyond the Scope of Reality Paranormal will be holding investigations and present their findings to show that not all ghosts are apparitions with a white sheet over them.
Minnetrista is offering a new workshop series that allows families to learn together, called You and Me workshop.
ArtsWalk in DWNTWN Muncie returns this Thursday for an evening of local art, food and live music.
Hoosiers will have the chance to travel back in time to the golden age of Queen Elizabeth at the Indiana Renaissance Faire Oct. 7-8 at the the Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, formerly known as the Klipsch Music Center.
Joseph Marchal, associate professor of religious studies, said one of the “greatest tragedies of our culture” is how teachers are treated.
Since 2014, Muncie community members have gathered for afternoon tea at Minnetrista to discuss history. At 3 p.m. today, "Tea & Talk" will be held for the fifth time this year.
Samuel Koch, owner of local business Life Skateboards, views skateboarding as an art form.
With October finally here, it’s time to embrace the change of the seasons — even if the weather doesn't always agree. Make your dorm or apartment feel more like fall with these do-it-yourself candle and centerpiece crafts.
Four years ago, David Williams, former academic director at the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics and Humanities, travelled to Germany and began creating a foreign exchange program.
In 1967, Ball State welcomed Simon and Garfunkel to campus. Today, their spirit will live on as “The Simon and Garfunkel Story” is performed at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Emens Auditorium.
Students in the Wind Ensemble and Symphony Band have been working since the beginning of the year toward the 2017 President's Concert, which will take place at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Sursa Hall.
Mahogany L. Browne read her poems Wednesday in the Student Center until she reached one without a name. She then asked the audience to vote for a title, and the crowd became more animated, laughing and shouting for their favorite.
The owners of a local online chocolate shop, Queer Chocolatier, said that the business’ name is just as important as their product.