Fall is finally here. Create your own pumpkin spice candle. Sabrina Schnetzer, DN

3 do-it-yourself projects for fall

With October finally here, it’s time to embrace the change of the seasons — even if the weather doesn't always agree. Make your dorm or apartment feel more like fall with these do-it-yourself candle and centerpiece crafts.

Mahogany Browne, poet and activist, looks to the audience as she reads a piece of work from her book in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center on Sept. 27. Students gathered to listen to Browne and ask questions afterwards, an opportunity that most people will not get. Kaci Alvarez, DN

Mahogany L. Browne uses poetry as activism

Mahogany L. Browne read her poems Wednesday in the Student Center until she reached one without a name. She then asked the audience to vote for a title, and the crowd became more animated, laughing and shouting for their favorite.

Ball State Fencing Club Facebook, Photo Courtesy

Fencing club thrusts into new year

Most students join an intramural sport or hit the gym a few days a week to stay active on campus, but Ball State clubs, like the Fencing Club, offer students the chance to get their heart pumping in a unique way. 

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